
We have different spaces and sizes to put your ADS, here are the main categories:

All banners are managed in rotation, they change based on the refresh of the page visited at a given time

We also offer free spaces, this only on affiliation to your products. This is really convenient for everyone.


Image size 2156×620 px

This banner is displayed on the following pages:

  1. Home Page
  2. Shop Page


Image size 1200x600px

This Banner is displayed on the following pages:

  1. On all individual product pages
  2. On Faq Pages


Image size 728 x 90px

This Banner is displayed on the following pages:

  1. On all individual product pages

To get a space, contact us at Or via our chat at the bottom right.
Please, be as detailed as possible and tell us what you would like to achieve. We will be happy to give you a space at a good price.

If you want we can be affiliated and have free spaces

Here is an example of how to be affiliated with BlenderMarket or Gumroad:

If you are a Gumroad seller: Click Here

If you are a BlenderMarket seller: Click Here